June 25, 2014

 Young Women Entrepreneurs With a Good Attitude Make for a Recipe of Success

Our August 25 2012 and September 6 2012 posts, Your Attitude Impacts How You Operate Your Business are from the first draft of my book Realizing a Vision.

A couple of weeks ago I was talking to two of our Girls’ C.E.O.Connection. Alexandra Hoang and Kelly Trinh just completed their freshman year at University of California Berkeley. They had reviewed the recent draft of the book. Part of our conversation was about the attitude chapter. We decided to delete the chapter and include the most important points into another chapter.

A “good attitude” will take you much further in changing the outlook of your situation(s).

In my experience high school girls have a tough time developing and keeping a good attitude. Creating a business while in high school takes a good attitude no matter what happens There is competition for group acceptance and everyday interactions. Losing a boyfriend, a class election, and dealing with a difficult teacher can drag any girl down.

I wish I had known in high school about the four steps I am going to share with you. Using them would have helped me on the path towards a positive attitude. I would have gone ahead and started the business I envisioned. The steps would have helped me manage a lot of negative events and people in high school.

 Four steps to a good attitude that will impact how you start and operate your business 

  • A grateful attitude. In every event whether it is good or bad there is a lesson to be learned. The people I know with a grateful attitude keep their minds free of negativity. They are clear to find opportunities to change the situation, alleviate it for the future, or accept it and move on to keep going.
  • Exercise. There are a ton of good reasons to exercise. Physical activities that require concentration will keep the mind off negative situations. For some of you exercise will be in your after school team sports. If you do not like team sports,  swimming, dancing and gymnastics may be perfect for you. Outdoor activities like downhill skiing, ice-skating, tennis, and golf are always great to clear the mind of junk. Most important are the exercises that require focus. They usually move you into a better frame of mind because you are getting your head clear.
  • “Fake it till you make it “ or “act as if.” In other words, smile and act as if you are on the upside rather than the downside. When you fake it till you make it you may find you feel better about yourself and the circumstances. It will also give other people the impression you are not bothered about the problem. You may become a role model for a future young female entrepreneur. Consider how you feel when you smile rather than when you have a scowl on your face.
  • Surround yourself with positive people and avoid the toxic ones. This is not as easy as it sounds. When a teacher, classmate, or relative creates a toxic environment it may not be possible to cut the person out of your life. One way to handle someone’s toxic attitude is not to take anything personal. Make sure you have plenty of time away from them.  Spend as much time as possible with positive people. You will want to spend time with young female entrepreneurs.  They will want to see your business vision come to fruition. More experienced ones may want to mentor you. They will understand the challenges of being a young entrepreneur in high school.

Only you know how much your attitude is worth. You want to be the one to define your life. I encourage you to make these four steps a habit.

If you are a high school entrepreneur we would love for you to share with us how a good attitude has made a difference for you. Perhaps your attitude was not positive and you learned from it. We would love to hear from you as well.

Look forward to hearing from you.


Sylvia R.J. Scott


Girls’ C.E.O. Connection™



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